Services and Information

Life Signs
“Life Signs” are the green house number signs at residences around the county. They are a valuable means of quickly identifying your home-especially in the event of an emergency. These signs are sold by the Pulaski Township Firefighter’s Club at the cost of $20.00. Signs can be ordered at the township office.

Hall Rental
The Township Hall is available to rent for $100.00 for township residents and $200.00 for non-township residents. There is also a refundable damage deposit of $75.00 ($150.00 for non-residents) required at the time of rental. The hall’s capacity is 91 and no alcohol or smoking is allowed. Contact the township office for details and available dates.

Fire Fighters
Pulaski Township Fire Department is made up of volunteer paid per call firefighters and medical first responders. Please contact Chief Ryan Betz at 517-414-4252 or call the office at (517) 524-6061 , if interested in becoming a member and serving your community.

Building Permits
Before doing any residential or agricultural building, please contact the Township Office to see if a permit is needed. State permit guidelines have been changing and may now apply to your proposed project. See the resources tab for zoning, building and electrical permit information.
Elected Officials
Supervisor– Chuck Todd
Clerk– Bobbi Riley
Treasurer– Lanella Pluger
Trustees– Terry Meade and Sharon Reiniche
Office Hours
Monday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Tuesday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Pulaski offers a rural environment with many family farms and lakeside living. More and more people are finding Pulaski Township a pleasant and attractive place to live.
How to Reach Us
12363 Folks Road
Hanover, MI 49241
phone: 517-524-6061
fax: 517-524-9038
email: [email protected]